For Those Who Seeks JCR Rating

Documentation for Credit Rating

An example (for manufacturers):
  • Company overview
  • Organizations for the management
  • Production matters
  • Sales matters
  • Financial matters
  • Business plans
  • Subsidiaries and affiliates
  • Law suites and other contingent liabilities
  • Bonds issuance matters
  • Liquidity management, records and plans

(Note)Financial information is requested for the facts of the last 5 years and the forecast for the next 3 years.

(Note)Companies of recently listed on the stock exchange or a listing section change can use their Annual Securities Reports for the filing (Section II) in part of the rating application documents.

* Requested documentation differs between the manufacturer and the non-manufacturer, as well as depending on individual characteristics of the applicant.

* Secrets and non-public information received from the applicant are kept within JCR under strict information management. They are not used for any purpose other than the credit rating determination.