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News Release
- Aug. 25, 2008
Affirmed AA/Stable rating on sr.debts of Sekisui House
- Aug. 22, 2008
Affirmed BBB for Tamura Corporation; Revising outlook to Stable
Affirmed J-2 on CP program of Japan Radio
Affirmed A+/Stable on sr.debts of Shimadzu Corporation
Assigned AAA to bonds of Kyushu Electric Power
Assigned preliminary A- to shelf reg. of Minato Bank
Assigned A to bonds of Hiroshima Gas
- Aug. 21, 2008
Affirmed AA-/Stable on sr.debts of Coca-Cola West Holdings
Upgraded rating on Sogo Medical to BBB/Stable
Upgrades Slovakia's FC rating to A+/stable
- Aug. 20, 2008
Affirmed A/Stable rating on sr.debts of Taiko Bank
- Aug. 19, 2008
Affirms BBB+ (FC/LC) Ratings on Export-Import Bank of India; Outlook Stable
Affirms BBB+ (FC/LC) Ratings on Republic of India; Outlook Stable
- Aug. 18, 2008
Affirmed AA+p/Stable on sr.debts of Nippon Life Insurance
- Aug. 15, 2008
- Aug. 14, 2008
Affirmed A+/Stable on sr.debts of JSF Trust & Banking
Affirmed AA-/Stable and J-1+ on sr.debts and CP of Japan Securities Finance
- Aug. 13, 2008
Downgraded ratings on Urban to D
- Aug. 12, 2008
Affirmed BBB/Stable on sr.debts of Japan Asia Investment
- Aug. 11, 2008
JCR Affirmed AA- on EMTN of ORIX
JCR Affirmed AA- on EMTN of ORIX USA -
Affirmed A/Stable and J-1 on senior debts and CP of Heiwado
Affirmed A+/Stable on sr. debts of Sumitomo Metal Mining
- Aug. 08, 2008
JCR Affirmed BB/Stable, BB- and J-3 on Mitsubishi Motors
JCR Affirmed BB- on Mitsubishi Motors Credit of America
JCR Affirmed BB- on MMC International Finance Netherlands -
Assigned preliminary AAA to shelf of Kansai Electric Power Company
- Aug. 07, 2008
Affirmed A/Stable on sr.debts of Mitsui Mining & Smelting
Assigned A/Stable rating to sr.debts of Yodogawa Christian Hospital
Affirms BBB+/A- FC/LC Ratings on Bulgaria
Assigned AA+ to bonds of Osaka (City of)
Assigned AAA to bonds of Development Bank of Japan
Assigned AA- to subordinated bonds of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
- Aug. 06, 2008
Affirmed A- rating on Kita-Nippon Bank; changed Outlook to Stable
Affirmed A/Stable on sr.debts of Nissan Chemical Industries
Assigned A+ to bonds of Mitsubishi Chemical
Assigned AAA to bonds of Chugoku Electric Power Company
Assigned AA+ to bonds of Osaka (City of)
- Aug. 05, 2008
Assigned A to bonds of Marubeni
Affirmed A-/Stable rating on sr.debts of Akebono Brake Industry
- Aug. 04, 2008
Downgrades GMAC to #B/Negative
JCR Affirmed AA- on EMTN of Mizuho Securities
JCR Affirmed AA- on EMTN of Mizuho International
- Aug. 01, 2008
Affirmed A+/Stable and J-1 on sr.debts and CP of Sumitomo Bakelite
JCR Affirmed AA on Euro Note Programme of Nomura Europe Finance
JCR Affirmed AA and AA- on EMTN of Nomura Bank International
Affirmed BBB+ on CAC Corporation; changing outlook to Stable
Affirmed J-1+ on CP of Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance
Affirmed BBB-/Stable on senior debts of Airtech Japan
- Jul. 31, 2008
Withdrawn BBB-/Stable rating on sr.debts of Meito Transportation
Withdrawn #BBB/Positive rating on Matsuzakaya
Withdrawn AA+/Stable and J-1+ on sr.debts and CP of Aisin AW
- Jul. 30, 2008
Assigned preliminary AA- to shelf registration of Sumitomo Chemical
Affirmed BBB on Gifu Bank, changing outlook to Negative
- Jul. 29, 2008
JCR Affirmed A on EMTN of Marubeni
JCR Withdrew A on EMTN of Marubeni International Finance
JCR Affirmed A on EMTN of Marubeni Europe
JCR Affirmed A on EMTN of Marubeni Finance Holland
- Jul. 28, 2008
Assigned preliminary AAA to shelf registration of Chugoku Electric Power Company
- Jul. 25, 2008
Affirmed A/Stable and J-1 on sr.debts and CP of Yokohama Rubber
Downgraded senior debts of Bank of Kochi to BBB
Affirms A- (FC) Ratings on Hyundai Capital Services; Outlook Positive
Assigned AAA to bonds of Development Bank of Japan
Affirmed BBB/Stable on senior debts of Biwako Bank
Affirmed AAp Rating on BNP Paribas
- Jul. 24, 2008
- Jul. 23, 2008
Affirmed AA+ Ratings on The Province of Quebec with stable outlook
Assigned A- to bonds (gtd. by Hankyu & Hanshin Electric Railway) of Hankyu Hanshin Holdings
Downgraded Sankyo-Tateyama Holdings to BBB-; Changed outlook to Stable
- Jul. 22, 2008
Assigned A-/Stable to sr. debts of Kyodo Leasing
Downgraded Goodwill Group to #B+/Negative; Continues CM
Removed from CM and upgraded rating for Cosmo Securities to BBB/Stable
Affirmed BBB/Stable on senior debts of Toho
- Jul. 18, 2008
Assigned preliminary AAA to shelf registration of Kyushu Electric Power Company
Assigned BBB to bonds of Sojitz
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