JCR News

Year   Month
Key Word
Jul. 01, 2024
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers of Executive Officers and others.
Rating / Outlook Change in June 2024
Notice on Appointment to the Steering Committee Member of GX Acceleration Agency
Jun. 03, 2024
Rating / Outlook Change in May 2024
May. 21, 2024
Resolving "Polysemy" in Transition Finance
May. 08, 2024
Organizing the Policy Regarding "Basic Guidelines on Impact Investment (Impact Finance)" by Financial Services Agency
May. 01, 2024
Rating / Outlook Change in April 2024
Apr. 01, 2024
Rating / Outlook Change in March 2024
Mar. 25, 2024
JCR Rating Transition Matrices and Cumulative Default Rates
Mar. 01, 2024
Rating / Outlook Change in February 2024
Feb. 08, 2024
JCR Provided pre-issuance Verification Report for CBI certification to the 1st Japan Climate Transition Bonds
Feb. 01, 2024
Rating / Outlook Change in January 2024
Jan. 11, 2024
Notice of website suspension (Jan. 17)
Jan. 04, 2024
JCR’s Rating Results for 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in December 2023
JCR has signed Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative
Jan. 01, 2024
New Year's Message
Dec. 07, 2023
TLS1.1 for Encrypted Communication on JCR Website to be Disabled
Notice of Change in Publication Method for Some Structured Finance Ratings
Dec. 01, 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in November 2023
Nov. 16, 2023
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2023
Nov. 01, 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in October 2023
Oct. 02, 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in September 2023
Implementation of third-party Evaluation work for GX economic transition Bonds by JCR
Sep. 25, 2023
JCR and Jiji Press form Business Alliance in New Field of Climate Change Risk Management
Sep. 20, 2023
Reflections the International Practitioner's guide to Blue Finance Evaluation
Sep. 08, 2023
JCR and Quantz Research Collaborate with UNEP FI to Develop a Revised Analysis Tool for Positive Impact Finance
Sep. 01, 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in August 2023
Aug. 25, 2023
New assignment of JCR credit rating for The Bank of East Asia, Limited Online Briefing Sessions(September 4, 2023)
Aug. 01, 2023
Rating / Outlook Change in July 2023