JCR News

Year   Month
Key Word
Apr. 02, 2018
Announcement of J-CRIS Fee Revision
Mar. 29, 2018
JCR Rating Transition Matrices and Cumulative Default Rates (Correction)
Mar. 19, 2018
Mr. Shigeo Kusuoka, JCR Director, awarded the Japan Academy Prizes
Jan. 25, 2018
About JCR Social Bond Evaluation
Jan. 04, 2018
New Year's Message
JCR's Rating Results for 2017
Dec. 26, 2017
JCR joined Japan Climate Leaders Partnership (Japan-CLP)
Dec. 19, 2017
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2017
Dec. 15, 2017
JCR’s representative was elected as ACRAA’s Chairman
Dec. 11, 2017
JCR launched a dedicated site for Green Finance and ESG topics
Dec. 01, 2017
JCR registers as an Observer of Green Bond / Social Bond Principles issued by International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
Nov. 22, 2017
JCR Assigned Green1 to Long-term Loan Borrowed by Canadian Solar Infrastructure Fund
Nov. 10, 2017
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance complies with MOE's green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2017
Oct. 27, 2017
About JCR Green Bond Evaluation
Oct. 20, 2017
Personnel Transfers
Sep. 20, 2017
JCR Signed a Statement on ESG in Credit Ratings By United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)
Sep. 13, 2017
JCR Signs Business Cooperation Agreement with CRA in Peru
Sep. 05, 2017
JCR organized Seminar on “European Financial Institutions’TLAC and Subordinated Instruments”
Aug. 28, 2017
Personnel Change in Executive Officers
Jun. 16, 2017
Personnel Change in Executive Officers
Organizational Change and Personnel Change
May. 25, 2017
Director to Change
Apr. 21, 2017
JCR Enters into Strategic Alliance with Malaysia’s Rating Agency MARC
Apr. 10, 2017
Announcement regarding Launch of Issuer Reports English- translated version
For Public Comments on Revision of Rating Methodology for Local Government Bonds
Apr. 07, 2017
For Public Comments on Planned Establishment of Rating Methodology for Guaranty Company
Apr. 06, 2017
Request for Public Comment on Revision of "Rating Methodology for Capital Instruments Issued by Financial Institutions, etc."
Mar. 24, 2017
JCR Rating Transition Matrices and Cumulative Default Rates
Mar. 21, 2017
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers
Jan. 04, 2017
A Greeting for Year 2017