JCR News

Year   Month
Key Word
Feb. 03, 2015
Association of Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA)- History and Future Prospects of ACRAA -
Jan. 29, 2015
JCR Considers Clarification of the Rating Methodology for Basel III Eligible Additional Tier 1 Capital Instruments Issued by Financial Institutions, etc.
Jan. 23, 2015
Rating Methodology for a Holding Company
Jan. 16, 2015
Bank Indonesia accredited JCR as a Recognized CRA for Non-bank Corporate External Debt Regulation
Jan. 05, 2015
A Greeting for Year 2015
JCR's Rating Results for 2014
Nov. 21, 2014
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2014
Nov. 07, 2014
Revised its Rating Methodologies Relating to Country Ceiling
Sep. 26, 2014
JCR is Considering Revising its Rating Methodologies relating to Country Ceiling
May. 26, 2014
Japan Credit Rating Agency: Change of President
Mar. 27, 2014
Correction of JCR Rating Transition Matrices
Feb. 17, 2014
JCR Considers Modifying Rating Methodology for Tier 2 Instruments Eligible under Basel III
Jan. 06, 2014
"New Year's View"Hopes and Fears for Abenomix, Makoto Utsumi, President and CEO of JCR
Dec. 27, 2013
JCR's Rating Results for 2013
Nov. 12, 2013
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2013
Sep. 20, 2013
JCR's Ratings Have been Adopted by Markit iTraxx Japan
Aug. 26, 2013
JCR Modified Methodology for Rating Regional Banks Consolidated with Mega Bank Groups
Jun. 04, 2013
JCR Considers Modifying Methodology for Rating Regional Banks Consolidated with Mega Bank Groups
Jan. 04, 2013
"New Year's View"On the Deflation, Makoto Utsumi, President and CEO of JCR
Dec. 28, 2012
JCR's Rating Results for 2012
Nov. 29, 2012
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2012
Sep. 13, 2012
Rating for Open-ended Investment Corporation
Sep. 10, 2012
Ratings of Hybrid Securities
Jul. 27, 2012
JCR modifies Types of Credit Ratings and Definitions of Rating Symbols
Jul. 05, 2012
JCR considers modifying "Types of Credit Ratings and Definitions of Rating Symbols"
Jan. 04, 2012
"New Year's View"Role of Credit Rating Agency, Makoto Utsumi, President of JCR
Dec. 29, 2011
JCR's Rating Results for 2011
Dec. 22, 2011
JCR Recognized as an Eligible ECAI by Hong Kong
Nov. 17, 2011
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2011
May. 18, 2011
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2010