JCR News

Year   Month
Key Word
Nov. 01, 2019
Rating Outlook Change in October 2019
Oct. 01, 2019
Rating Outlook Change in September 2019
Sep. 24, 2019
Revisions to Rating Methodology for Synthetic CDOs
Sep. 11, 2019
Participation in International Conference on China’s Capital Market
Sep. 04, 2019
JCR Has become an Approved Verifier for Climate Bonds Certification
Sep. 02, 2019
Rating/Outlook Change in August 2019
Jul. 09, 2019
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers
Jun. 17, 2019
Notice Regarding Title Change of a Director and Appointment of a new Executive Officer
Jun. 04, 2019
Seminar Cooperation with China’s Golden Credit Rating
May. 27, 2019
Notice Regarding Transfers of Directors and Auditors
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers
Apr. 23, 2019
Impact Reporting Metrics for Green Building Projects by ICMA and JCR’s View
Mar. 20, 2019
JCR Rating Transition Matrices and Cumulative Default Rates
Jan. 04, 2019
New Year's Message
JCR's Rating Results for 2018
Dec. 18, 2018
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers
Dec. 10, 2018
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance is in line with MOE's green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2018
Dec. 07, 2018
Hosting ACRAA’s Annual Meeting and Seminar
Dec. 05, 2018
Lecture at The University of Tokyo – GraSPP
Nov. 20, 2018
Signing of MOU with Credit Rating Mongolia
Nov. 19, 2018
Participation in ABA Annual Meeting
Nov. 13, 2018
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2018
Nov. 02, 2018
Rating Assignment on ENAP’s US$ Bond (144A/Reg S)
Oct. 25, 2018
Joint Seminar by JCR and India’s CARE Ratings
Aug. 07, 2018
Establishment of “Society for Sovereign Risk Analysis”
Jul. 05, 2018
ABA-ACRAA Joint Workshop
Jun. 12, 2018
Results of verifying whether the model bond issuance complies with MOE’s green bond guidelines, which was conducted by Ministry of Environment as a project for creating a green bond model for FY2018
May. 28, 2018
Notice Regarding Change of Directors and Appointment of a new Executive Officer
May. 14, 2018
Notice Regarding Personnel Transfers
Apr. 25, 2018
International Conference on“Showcasing Asia’s Bond Markets – Opportunities and Risks”