JCR News

Year   Month
Key Word
Jan. 04, 2017
JCR's Rating Results for 2016
Dec. 16, 2016
Rating Methodology for Listed Infrastructure Funds
Dec. 15, 2016
Notice Regarding Appointment of a new Executive Officer
Nov. 29, 2016
For Public Comments on Planned Establishment of Rating Methodology for Listed Infrastructure Funds
Nov. 28, 2016
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2016
Nov. 25, 2016
Publication of “Asia Credit Rating Guidebook” by ACRAA
Nov. 01, 2016
JCR’s ECAI status across the entire EU takes effect
Oct. 20, 2016
Joint Seminar with India’s CARE Ratings in Tokyo
Oct. 03, 2016
Knowledge Sharing at JICA Training on “Bond Market Development in ASEAN Countries (II)”
Aug. 31, 2016
JCR Enters into Strategic Alliance with Mexico's HR Ratings
Jun. 20, 2016
Establishment of Rating Methodology for Future Flow Securitization
Jun. 02, 2016
For Public Comments on Planned Methodology for Future Flow Securitization
Jun. 01, 2016
Rating Methodology for Country Ceiling for SF and for ABCP
May. 27, 2016
Notice Regarding Informal Approval of Directors
Apr. 27, 2016
For Public Comments on Planned Establishment of Rating Methodology for Country Ceiling for Structured Finance Products and on Revisions to Rating Methodology for ABCP Programs
Mar. 30, 2016
Joint Seminar with India's CARE Ratings
Jan. 04, 2016
JCR's Rating Results for 2015
A Greeting for Year 2016
Dec. 29, 2015
JCR Enters Into Strategic Alliance with India's CARE Ratings
Nov. 16, 2015
JCR's Financial Indicators by Rating Range 2015
Nov. 05, 2015
Rating Methodology for EETC
Oct. 30, 2015
JCR was certified as "Approved Credit Rating Agency" in Thailand
Oct. 09, 2015
For Public Comments on Planned Methodology for EETC
Sep. 25, 2015
Asia Credit Rating Seminar - Jointly held with ACRAA and the ADBI -
Indonesian Economy and Rating Seminar - Jointly held with the Indonesian authorities, JBIC and JOI -
Jul. 10, 2015
Joint Press Release on "Asia Credit Rating Forum in Tokyo"
May. 29, 2015
Planned Auditor Changes
Mar. 27, 2015
Notice Regarding Change in Executive Officers
Mar. 26, 2015
JCR Rating Transition Matrices and Cumulative Default Rates
Feb. 05, 2015
Rating Methodology for Capital Instruments Issued by Financial Institutions, etc.