Sovereigns and Supranationals

(Note) A Long-term Issuer Rating or its equivalent is shown in Long Term, while a rating on commercial paper or a Short-term Issuer Rating is shown in Short Term. For details, please refer to each Issuer.

Key Word
Outlook / Direction
Issuer Code Long Term Short Term
African Development Bank (The) 11004 AAA/Stable
African Export-Import Bank (The) 11010 A-/Stable
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 11011 AAA/Stable
Asian Development Bank 11003 AAA/Stable
Australia 12037 AAA/Stable
Belgium 12025 AAA/Stable
Brazil 12068 BBB-/Stable
Canada 12040 AAA/Stable
Central American Bank for Economic Integration 11008 AA/Stable
Chile 12071 AA-/Stable
China, People's Republic of 12070 AA-/Stable
Corporacion Andina de Fomento 11007 AA+/Stable
Czech Republic 12058 AA-/Stable
Denmark 12060 AAA/Stable
Egypt, Arab Republic of 12072 AA
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The) 11006 AAAp/Stable
Finland 12055 AAA/Stable
France 12053 AAA/Stable
Germany 12052 AAA/Stable
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, People's Republic of China 12036 AA+/Stable
Hungary 12038 A-/Stable
India 12045 BBB+/Stable
Indonesia 12063 BBB+/Stable
Inter-American Development Bank 11005 AAA/Stable
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The) 11001 AAA/Stable
Italy 12004 A/Stable
Japan 985000 AAA/Stable
Korea, Republic of 12012 AA/Stable
Malaysia 12059 A+/Stable
Mexico 12049 A-/Stable

※"Code" display principle, the published code of the Securities Identification Code Committee. Issuer without securities code displays JCR internal code